Quiz: Magnetism

1. Magnetic materials are:
A only made of iron
B made from any metal
C iron, nickel and cobalt
2. The small groups of atoms that behave like small magnets inside a large magnet are called:
A iron filings
B domains
C poles
3. In demagnetised steel, the domains:
A are aligned in the same direction
B are in different directions
C are not present
4. In a magnet, the domains:
A are aligned in the same direction
B are in different directions
C are not present
5. To demagnetise a magnet, one can:
A drop or hit it for a period of time
B heat it for some time
C both of the above
6. The ends of a magnet are called:
A fields
B poles
C domains
7. Unlike poles:
A attract
B have no effect on each other
C repel
8. Like poles:
A repel
B have no effect on each other
C attract
9. The north pole of a magnet will attract:
Athe north pole of a magnet
Bthe south pole of a magnet and any demagnetised iron
Cboth poles of a magnet and any magnetic materials
10. If two south poles are close to each other, they will:
Aattract each other
Brepel each other
Chave no effect on each other
11. Repulsion between a magnet and another object indicates that:
Athe other is made of a metal that is non-magnetic
Bone has a north pole and the other has a south pole
Cthe other object is also a magnet
12. The lines of a magnetic field go from:
Anorth pole to south pole
Bsouth pole to north pole
Cin any direction
13. The magnetic field of a magnet:
Ais always as strong anywhere around a magnet
Bonly exists on the poles themselves
Cweakens as the distance from the magnet increases
14. If pole A of a magnet repels pole B of a second magnet, and pole B attracts pole C of a third magnet, what can be said about pole A and pole C?
AA and C are both north poles
BA and C are like poles
CA and C are unlike poles
15. If a person winds a coil of wire around a steel rod, and then passes an electric current through the wire, then:
Athe steel rod becomes an electromagnet
Bthe steel rod becomes electrified and should not be touched
Cthe wire becomes magnetised


Your Answers
Q 1:
Q 2:
Q 3:
Q 4:
Q 5:
Q 6:
Q 7:
Q 8:
Q 9:
Correct Answers
Q 1:
Q 2:
Q 3:
Q 4:
Q 5:
Q 6:
Q 7:
Q 8:
Q 9: